As per the Red Door Report at the end of July 2023, we launched our new 'informal' giving campaign towards unit 4 aircon ($70k) and chairs ($32k). All giving will first go towards the aircon project and then the new chairs. If more funds are given beyond (before the end of the year) this we will then consider the later two projects of unit 6 solar power ($16k) and unit 2 sound treatment ($14k). Thankyou for your continued generosity. If you wish to listen to the Red Door Report, check out our podcast here (from timecode 31:20). If you wish to give please use the envelopes that are available at church on a Sunday, or reference your electronic giving using 'Project2023'. Thank you for your generosity and support.

As at 8 December 2023 our total giving figure is $71,330.

Air Conditioning Goal of $70,000 - Complete
New Auditorium Chairs Goal of $32,000 - In Progress

Love Attack 2023


Today’s Love Attack locations and start times are as follows:

Church A
Coolbellup Community Church - 68 Waverley Road, Coolbellup - Service starts at 9am - The Senior Pastor is Ps Michael Christie.

Church B
St James Anglican - 13 Elderberry Drive South Lake - Service starts at 9.30am - The Senior Leader is Reverend Clive McCallum.

Church C
Gateway Community Church - 63 Spencer Street, Cockburn Central - Service starts at 10am - The Senior Pastor is Ps Craig Verdouw.

Church D
Southern Christian Church - Cockburn Youth Centre, 25 Wentworth Parade, Success - Service starts at 10am - The Senior Pastor is Ps Ashley Horton.

One of our leaders will be on site if you are looking for a familiar face when you arrive, but most of all please make sure you are familiar with the ‘top 10 things to remember’ list below. You can still register at the link below.

This year there will be four smaller local churches who will be participating in the love attack. The leadership of each church has agreed for us to attend their location, but their church community is unaware. Because each of these churches are too small to hold us all on the day, we are requesting you register every person including children who will be attending on the day. There are limited numbers available at each mystery location, so please register at the link below as soon as possible.

Unity is who we are, and our annual Love Attack is a demonstration of the spiritual truth that we are one because of Jesus. Today we are living out this truth. We desire to communicate to other local church communities that they matter, they are loved and they are supported by the wider body of Christ in the city of Cockburn

We close all services on that day, and encourage us all to gather at your nominated church. We go to encourage, bless and acknowledge what God is doing in that church. We won't be preaching, or taking over they time worship - we are going to support what they are doing.


01. Get familiar with the church location/address and start time, making note of the lead pastors name.

02. Give yourself more time than usual to park your car.

03. Most will not know we’re coming, so remember it’s your task to share what ‘Love Attack’ is. “We are the body of Christ”.

04. Come ready to give an offering on the day and to encourage the community at that local church.

05. Go to the toilet at home before you arrive.

06. We are trying for a combined kids church but its not a guarantee, but colouring packs will be available.

07. In the face of diversity our unity in Jesus is proved real. So come with an attitude not to assess, compare or correct, but to see Jesus in another local body of Christ and be a blessing.

08. We will do our best to organise enough chairs, but it’s not a guarantee of a seat.

09. There are refreshments after church, so please hang around to encourage someone new.

10. There is NO 5pm arvo service at Red Door on the 26th November, as we want as many of our Red Door family to participate that morning.

Service Times

Sundays 10am and 5pm

33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

Policy Statements


Phone: +61 8 9414 9638

Postal Address: PO Box 3836 Success WA 6964

Church Address: 4/33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

© 2024 All Rights Reserved. The Red Door Community Church Inc.