At The Table Resource

The church's history is rooted in the table - where Jesus' followers gathered, the gospel spread, and lives were changed over meals. Though ordinary, the table fosters love, deep connection, and a space for God’s Spirit to move. Eating and drinking together was central to Jesus’ ministry and the early church, yet over time, we've lost this practice. Acts 2 reveals that the meal wasn’t just part of the gathering - it was the gathering. A true sign of the Spirit at work isn’t just miracles or conversions, but people sharing meals as family. HouseChurch at the Table is our way of reclaiming this sacred practice.

Helpful notes on the spiritual practice of the table available here.

This month’s detailed notes to help guide your discussion around the table are available here.

State Youth Games

State Youth Games 2024
31st of May to the 3rd or June - Long weekend in June

SYG is for young adults ages 16-30, who love playing sports and hanging out! We head down to Bunbury for the weekend to compete against other church teams! It's a super awesome time to hang out and get to know people in the Red Door family! It's a weekend full of sports, socializing, spirit, sunshine and sprinkles. Register below at - sign up for The Red Door Community Church team. You can sign up for a full weekend or come down for a day and night. Also sponsorship available if you need help with finances, just email Summah Hughes at When registering there is an option for 'pool entry', we are hiring the pool again for the Saturday night, this time with a sauna and spa! That is just $10 extra. Full rego is $220. One day is $135

Service Times

Sundays 10am and 5pm

33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

Policy Statements


Phone: +61 8 9414 9638

Postal Address: PO Box 3836 Success WA 6964

Church Address: 4/33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

© 2024 All Rights Reserved. The Red Door Community Church Inc.