SPAGhETTI sunday

Over the fast few years we have done something at The Red Door called 'Sunday Something', previous somethings include: Sunday Sundae, Souper Sundae, Sunday Subway, Sunday Sizzle. This weekend, the 4th November, after the service its Spaghetti Sunday. So come ready to share some lunch. Hopefully we will have enough!


Baptism at The Red Door

Baptism by full immersion in water is the testimony that a believer identifies with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. The believer is considered dead to sin and buries the old life whilst walking in the newness and power of the resurrection. It is a public sign of fellowship and identification with the body of Christ. A believer’s salvation is not dependent on baptism.

At The Red Door Community Church we conduct baptisms from time to time, and when people request it. You can learn more about what baptism is by attending a baptism session and downloading this information booklet below. If you have any additional questions and wish to register please email one of our pastoral team at .

Service Times

Sundays 10am and 5pm

33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

Policy Statements


Phone: +61 8 9414 9638

Postal Address: PO Box 3836 Success WA 6964

Church Address: 4/33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

© 2024 All Rights Reserved. The Red Door Community Church Inc.