HouseChurch Update 30 April

Hey Church Family

We wanted to give you an update on the recent announcement by our Premier of WA that from 27 April 2020, indoor and outdoor non-work gatherings of up to 10 people are now allowed at:
- weddings and funerals
- outdoor personal training
- home opens and display village inspections, and
- indoor non-work gatherings in a home (this includes our HouseChurch gatherings).

In light of this announcement, our Leadership team has met and agreed that our HouseChurch gatherings can now be slightly extended to a max of ten (10) people. Having said this your home must large enough to facilitate safe social distancing of 1.5 metres from others wherever possible.

So please feel free to invite others into your home for this Sundays HouseChurch to a maximum of 10. If your single household already has 10 or more people, I’m sorry but you can’t invite anyone.

Even though there is a relaxing of the conditions to 10, We still don’t think that this enough for an entire Connect Groups to gather taking into account children. So we are not yet encouraging Connect Groups to gather in person. But some are gathering over Zoom which is great. Obviously if your Connect Group is less than 10 you are fine.

In addition, some people may wish to open their home to host a gathering of 10 people (possibly in the arvo in addition to your own morning gathering). Yes, multiple services at your house! If this is you, please let us know and feel free to go ahead and make it happen.

This Sunday our Music Team will be leading us, so keep an eye out for the link to that video on the app or at

If you would like to join a Red Door HouseChurch where there is room please let us know. (In regards to all of the above please email Barbara at

Finally church, be encouraged. We are convinced that God is doing something remarkable through this time – what was intended for evil, God will use for good, for the saving of many lives (Gen 50:20). Through this trial there is an amazing opportunity for God to refine and build His church. And be expectant for God to move in your home and family in this season.

Much love
Adam and Dale

For more info on the most recent announcement please check out:

update 2 april

update_2apr Hey Church Family

Hope you are all doing well. We really do miss you all. Hopefully you are all managing to join with us on a Sunday through our House Church resources and also through our daily Diaspora devotion. And a big thank you to those of you who have been posting and commenting on Realm. It’s a great way to keep in touch with what God is doing amongst our church family. What follows is a quick update on a few different areas.

Regulations on Gatherings
In respect to our House Church gatherings we just wanted to take a moment to reiterate the impact of the most recent Government regulations. Essentially, House Church gatherings need to be limited to immediate family and housemates. We ask if you have been meeting with more than one other person outside of your immediate family and household that you no longer do this. The Government regulations now state that “public gatherings, excluding household members, have been reduced to a maximum of two people” which means you are able to invite one other person to your gathering. So, if you know of “a” person who is on their own please consider inviting them to your House Church on Sunday if appropriate.

We realise how difficult and restrictive these regulations can be but it is important that we honour them. In Judges 17:6, speaking of the people of Israel, it says “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” Many of us may be tempted in this season to stretch these social distancing regulations and do what seems right to us, but as the people of God to do this is to be in rebellion to our ruling authorities and therefore outside of God’s order. Let’s do our best to be a people who are above reproach in this season church.

Vimeo Tips
If you are using your smart tv to access Red Door House Church, then open the Vimeo app on your tv and search directly in Vimeo the tag ‘redhousechurch’ to find our vids. Also you can find Diaspora the same way using the tag 'churchdiaspora'. Hope this helps!

Our prayer meetings are now happening via Zoom. For more information on this please go to Also, if you would like someone to pray with, you are now able to make a request through the Red Door app by opening the app, scrolling down and clicking on “Prayer Request” and completing the form.

Red Door Youth
A weekly video will soon be available called 'Sweet & Sour Nuggets' from our youth team, so keep an eye out for that.

Stay safe.

update 25 March


Hi Red Door Church Family

We have a few more bits and pieces to communicate with you regarding our House Church Gatherings and also our Connect Groups. As most of you will be aware last night the Government issued new, more restrictive requirements around gatherings. We have attached a copy of the details of these recent announcements for those who are interested.

Gathering for House Church & Connect Groups
How many of us can gather together now? In a nutshell. Not many. We are recommending that where possible House Church Gatherings are limited to immediate family and housemates. In his announcement Scott Morrison said - "Visits to your premises, to your house, your residence, should be kept to a minimum and with very small numbers of guests. We don’t want to be overly specific about that. We want Australians to exercise their common sense.” So let’s do that church. As much as possible please keep our gatherings to immediate family but also use common sense and discernment where appropriate to invite the 1 who lives on their own. More information can be found HERE.

We do ask that if you had larger groups gathering in your home last Sunday to consider how those groups can now be downsized and to communicate with one another the details surrounding this.

In regards to Connect Groups the same applies. Our standard Connect Group gatherings are going to have to hit pause for the meantime. Please though, consider ways that your Connect Group can stay connected – ie. WhatsApp chat group or Zoom Meeting. If you need any assistance with this feel free to give us a call at the church office. Our prayer meetings have recently switched to Zoom Meeting and it’s proved to be an effective tool.

Streaming Issues
Some of you have communicated that you experienced glitches with the video feed on Sunday. If you are having streaming issues, you can set the quality down to as low as 240p before hitting ‘play’ via Vimeo settings as per the picture (CLICK HERE).

This Sunday in our House Church Gatherings we will be taking Communion together so please be prepared with grape juice and crackers or bread. The House Church guide will contain more information on how to take Communion together.  Refer that will be updated on Friday.

Some Good News
The majority of our family have established relationships with others and these can be strengthened in many ways, using phone calls, texts, What’s App, Zoom calls, Skype etc. Please take advantage of these ways to connect with each other, loving, supporting and praying for each other.

We have our on-line Vodcasts entitled 'Diaspora', Monday-Friday to encourage you, as well as our Sunday messages. Check the website and Realm (either at or via the Realm Connect App) for details.

We are still here at the office so please call if you need prayer, a friendly voice to chat to or perhaps help with Realm (Adam has put a quick Realm guide at the beginning of last Sundays video which is very helpful.) We’d love to hear from you.

A big thank you to those who have responded to the request to go on the list to help those who are self-isolating. If you hear of needs please let us know.

Finally, may God’s Shalom be with each of us as we continue to walk by faith, loving and serving each other and our community. God is not self-isolating, He is with us! We continue to pray that God will give you wisdom, peace and comfort at this time, and that you will hear His voice clearly and remain ‘steadfast in prayer and worship’. Although we are separate, we are ‘together’ via the website, Realm and Zoom prayer meetings.

Adam and Dale

Service Times

Sundays 10am and 5pm

33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

Policy Statements


Phone: +61 8 9414 9638

Postal Address: PO Box 3836 Success WA 6964

Church Address: 4/33 Hammond Rd Cockburn Central WA 6164

© 2024 All Rights Reserved. The Red Door Community Church Inc.