So here we are with the end of August quickly bearing down upon us and what a very special year it has been so far in so many different ways. As you may be aware, a few days ago, the State Government announced that the move to Stage 5 has been pushed back 2 months with a tentative date of the 24th October being proposed.
In light of this we wanted to share with you all what we have decided as a Leadership Team for the way forward over the next couple of months in terms of gatherings for Red Door. This roadmap was determined after much discussion, ongoing prayer and waiting on God, and also from our time as a Leadership Team on Prayer Retreat earlier this week.
Qu: What is the plan for gatherings for the next 2 months?
Beginning the 30th of August there will be 3 opportunities for the Red Door family to gather to worship together.
HouseChurch at Home: we are encouraging everyone to continue to meet weekly in a House Church gathering at someone’s home.
HouseChurch at Hammond: If you are not in a House Church meeting in someone’s home, from the 30th August at 10am each Sunday we will be having HouseChurch at Hammond. This will be led by one of our Pastoral Team and will be a place where you can gather for church with a view to be connected into a HouseChurch at Home going forward.
Word, Worship & Prayer: From the 30th August at 4pm, these gatherings will happen every Sunday afternoon. Everyone of all ages is welcome. For families with younger children, dinner will be provided for your children.
Qu: Lots of other churches have gone back to normal services. Why haven’t we?
Yes, many churches have gone back with larger churches using a registration system to manage numbers within the limits of government regulations. Not to sound all “super spiritual”, but the reason we haven’t made the decision to do likewise is that as a Leadership we believe we don’t have permission to do so. Since March we have been, more and more, seeking to practice discernment before God and have continually brought this situation before Him in prayer. What we have been discerning is that we are to hold course, continue to press into and develop our House Church gatherings.
Some have asked “when are we going to start gathering again?” The answer to that question is that we’ve never stopped gathering – it’s just that we’re gathering in a different form.
Qu: I’m struggling in this season and am really missing church as it used to be. What can I do?
We recognise that some of you are loving this season and that there are also those of you who are truly missing the way things used to be. If this is you, that’s completely understandable and we would encourage you to make contact with us. Either give Barbara a call during the week or come to ‘HouseChurch at Hammond’ at 10am on any Sunday from the 30th August.
Qu: I really want to do HouseChurch but I’m struggling with technical issues. Help!
We realised that some of you have had some technical challenges that have made participating in HouseChurch difficult. From next week we are establishing a Technology Help Desk Team to assist you with this. If this is you please contact Janessa and we will get in touch to see what we can do about fixing these issues.
Qu: Should everyone be in a HouseChurch?
Yes. Yes. Yes. As much as is possible. One thing that has become clear over these past months is the power of smaller gatherings to facilitate deep discipleship. Many of you have expressed experiencing an exponential growth in your discipleship as you have gathered weekly with your HouseChurch. Regardless of what happens in the coming months around COVID and government regulations, as a Leadership we foresee that HouseChurch will be an ongoing, core part of Red Door gatherings. Therefore, if you are not in a HouseChurch please contact Barbara during the week or please come to HouseChurch at Hammond from the 30th August at 10am.
Qu: I tried HouseChurch and it didn’t work out (ie. I found it awkward, the time and place didn’t work, I struggled with the people). What should I do?
This has most definitely been a season for embracing the awkward and the uncomfortable. If you’ve really struggled, for whatever reason, you can let us know. And as said previously (through Diasporas and HouseChurch videos), HouseChurch gatherings are likely to be an integral part of our Red Door structure for the long term so it’s important we persist, embrace awkward and uncomfortable. Scripture is clear that we are not to forsake gathering together so it is important that each of us take responsibility for the care and discipleship of those in our church family.
Qu: Does HouseChurch replace Connect Groups?
Great question. Basically, there’s no rule here. If you still want to meet midweek as a Connect Group that’s great. However, we are putting more emphasis on HouseChurch gatherings in this season. If you want to do both then that’s fine but if you’re going to choose one we would encourage it to be HouseChurch so that as a church family we are continuing to gather around the same teaching. And remember, as much as we’d love everyone to be gathering on a Sunday, we realise with differing schedules this isn’t always possible so there’s no reason why a HouseChurch can’t gather mid-week.
Qu: I’m happy to have HouseChurch at my home but I don’t think I can lead it. What should I do?
Yay! We need more homes. Let Barbara know. There’s not much to facilitating a HouseChurch other than opening your home and having an internet connection. We are also happy to equip you where you feel you might need some help and we can also work to place people in your HouseChurch who can help you facilitate.
Qu: What about this Sunday the 23rd August?
This coming Sunday there will only be HouseChurch. From the 30th we will weekly be having a 4pm Word, Worship & Prayer gathering.
Qu: What about Youth?
From the 30th, Youth will be gathering at 4pm on Sundays. The details of this will be communicated soon.
Qu: What about RedKids?
We encourage families with primary aged children and younger to be utilising the RedKids program made available each week with HouseChurch content. Also, at the 4pm Word, Worship & Prayer gatherings our RedKids team will have different elements to help younger children engage with what is going on.
Much Love
Adam and Dale Meredith, and the Leadership Team.