Give Online

The Red Door Community Church is able to function due to the faithful free will giving by the people who call The Red Door home.
There are a number of ways in which you can give:
via credit card at our secure site:

If you would like to give by making a direct deposit or periodical payment organised through your bank. Our bank details are:
Account Name: The Red Door Community Church
BSB: 036224
Account Number: 324041
We accept cash, cheque and credit card at our Sunday services.
You can grab a giving envelope from the information desk to assist your giving if you wish.
The Red Door Community Church Inc.
ABN: 24 607 722 596
Location: 4/33 Hammond Road, Cockburn Central Western Australia 6164 Australia
Post: PO Box 3836, Success Western Australia 6964 Australia
Phone: +61 8 9414 9638
Refund Policy
Please check carefully any giving or payment amounts prior to completing your transaction. We do not give refunds if you simply change your mind or make a wrong decision on how you wish funds to be allocated (for both online and physical donations). However, if you believe that a genuine error has been made in connection with an online or physical donation, please contact our accounts department immediately at As your giving is being made here online without our assistance or involvement, we ask that you complete your details and the amount of your donation carefully as it involves a substantial amount of administrative time to deal with and rectify any errors. We are unable to give tax receipts for your giving because giving to a church in Australia is not tax deductible. All online giving is done in Australian Dollars and is GST free.
Privacy Policy
The Red Door Community Church is committed to keeping your personal details and contributions private. Any information we collect in relation to you or your giving is kept strictly secured and confidential. You can read our full Privacy Statement.