Church times & Location

any given sunday 10am, 5pm and weekly prayer 7am on a Wednesday morning
The Red Door Community Church
4/33 Hammond Road, Cockburn Central, 6164 Western Australia.
HouseChurch Sunday and Table
On the last Sunday of the month we don’t hold a normal larger 10am gathering but encourage our Red Door family to gather in smaller groups in peoples homes that we call HouseChurch. HouseChurch groups also gather around the table in the middle of the month. Our 5pm service runs every Sunday of the month.
next generation
We have full Children’s programs running at our 10am service with the following age groupings:
– Toddlers (walking to 4 years old)
– Little People (Kindy and Pre-primary)
– Primary (School years 1 to 6)
Please visit our information desk in unit 5 on arrival to register your children.
Red Door Youth program runs each term for school years 7 to 12 and their main gathering time is during our Sunday Arvo 5pm service (arrive 4:30pm). Our Stomping Ground program for school years 5 to 6 also runs during the 5pm service.
Parents Room
We also have a parents room for children that find it difficult to settle that is available with a live video feed from the main auditorium. Unsupervised children are not permitted in this room.
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