About Us

On the 3rd of June 2012, The Red Door Community Church opened its doors to a new adventure. Previously the community located here in Cockburn Central was known as the Southern Campus of Riverview Church. A decision by Riverview to release this campus to become its own independent community, saw Adam and Dale Meredith become the new Senior Ministers of The Red Door Community Church.
In the book of Exodus in the Bible a story is told. A true story. A story about a man named Moses and a story about a people. A people called the Israelites. God’s people. God’s people who were broken and in bondage and who were crying for freedom. Freedom from Pharaoh and freedom from Egypt. So God sent Moses with a message for Pharaoh – “Let my people go”. But Pharaoh didn’t listen. So God sent plague after plague to help Pharaoh to listen. He still didn’t listen. So God sent a final plague which was more devastating than the other nine put together. Finally Pharaoh would listen.
The angel of death was sent to kill every first born in Egypt. In order for the Israelites to be spared from this plague God told them to paint the blood of a perfect lamb on the doorposts of their homes. The Red Door. This would be a sign to the angel of death to pass over their homes. So long as their doorposts were painted with blood their home would be a place of refuge when the plague came. They would be safe and they would be saved.
Now, skip forward a few thousand years to the story of Jesus. The story of His life. The story of His death. The story of Him conquering death. The death and the resurrection of Jesus is the completion of the Exodus story. Jesus is our perfect lamb and His blood was shed so that we all can be safe and be saved from death. He is our Red Door. In him we find salvation. We find refuge. We find hope. We find the answer.
Over the course of time a Red Door has meant many things but all with the same theme. In some countries a Red Door is a sign to travellers, to those lost and wandering, that here is a place of safety and refuge. A Red Door has signified that a house is paid for, debt free and clear. Red Doors were used in the Underground Railway where they were a sign of help and refuge to slaves escaping from America to freedom in Canada. Legend has it that Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Red Doors of Wittenberg Church launching the Reformation.
We have named our church The Red Door Community Church as a call. A clarion call to the believers of this community to live lives that are a doorway to the hope of Jesus. We may not be facing plagues such as those in the Exodus story but in our city there is a plague. A plague of brokenness. Behind the doors of the people of our city there is abuse, violence, addiction, quiet despair, depression, suicide, anger, fear, greed, mindless materialism, apathy, divorce, broken families, broken hearts, broken spirits, broken minds. Brokenness upon brokenness. Brokenness like a plague.
May the Red Doors of this church and may the lives of the people of this church be a marker of hope and refuge to all broken, lost, hurting, seeking, beautiful people. Broken lives made beautiful. A city made whole. A plague of brokenness destroyed by grace. Jesus.
Making disciples of Jesus and His Kingdom
To see His kingdom come and His will done on earth as it is in heaven by making disciples.
(Matthew 6:10, 28:19)
What we all participate in
Redemption – People saved into the Kingdom of God through the power of the gospel.
(Romans 1:16)
Restoration – Lives restored, healed, transformed and made whole.
(Isaiah 61:1-3)
Release – People equipped and released into the work god has for them to do.
(Ephesians 2:10, 4:12-13)
The promise of God upon which we rest
From now on I’m alert day and night to the prayers offered at this place. Believe me, I’ve chosen and sanctified this Temple that you have built: My Name is stamped on it forever; my eyes are on it and my heart in it always.
(2 Chronicles 7:15-16)
Our working theory of transformation
Be with Jesus and become like Jesus
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
(John 15:5)
Prayer, Trust, Dependance.
The work of this church will not be accomplished by our strength, by our clever plans or by our striving but by “my Spirit says the Lord”. And yet we will gladly give all of what we have and all of who we are, completely submitted and surrendered, trusting in God’s guidance, faithfulness and provision. This is His church. The Lord will build this house. We will not labour in vain.
Authentic, Transparent, Honest
The power of transparency is far greater than the power of perfection. We will bring our absolute broken best to all that we do. We will seek to bring honour and glory to God by being exactly who He made us to be. We do not seek the praise and approval of man. We serve God only. This is a performance free zone.
Serve, Give, Love
We embrace that we are a part of something much greater than ourselves and that we have a great part to play in God’s unfolding story. There is great power in community and especially in a Jesus centered community. We share of all who we are and all of what we have – our blessings and our burdens, our laughter and our tears.